Himalayan Eva Coffee

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Welcome to Himalayan Eva Coffee, your premier source for the finest coffee beans from the Himalayas of Nepal and a company dedicated to bringing the unique flavors and aromas of the Himalayas to your cup.. Established in 2020, we are a coffee export company dedicated to bringing you the best coffee beans from local manufacturers and export it to the world.

Coffee Processing in Nepal

Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages in the world, and Nepal has recently emerged as a significant player in the coffee industry. The unique topography, altitude, and climate of Nepal make it an ideal place for growing high-quality coffee beans. In this blog post, we will be discussing coffee processing in Nepal with its techniques, with a focus on Himalayan Eva Coffee, a premium coffee brand based in Nepal.

Coffee processing is the method used to transform freshly harvested coffee cherries into dried coffee beans ready for roasting. The process of coffee processing can be divided into three main stages: picking, processing, and drying.

Picking: Coffee cherries are harvested by hand, and only the ripe cherries are picked. The picking process can be labor-intensive and time-consuming, but it is necessary to ensure the quality of the coffee beans.

Processing: The processing stage involves removing the pulp and outer layers of the coffee cherries to reveal the coffee beans inside. There are two main methods of coffee processing used in Nepal:

  • Wet Processing: In wet processing, the coffee cherries are pulped to remove the outer layer of the fruit. The beans are then soaked in water to remove any remaining pulp before being dried.
  • Dry Processing: In dry processing, the coffee cherries are left to dry in the sun until the outer layers of the fruit are dry and brittle. The dried cherries are then mechanically separated to reveal the coffee beans inside.

Drying: After processing, the coffee beans are dried to reduce their moisture content. In Nepal, the beans are typically sun-dried on raised beds, patios, or rooftops. This method of drying allows the beans to absorb the flavors and aromas of the environment, resulting in a unique and complex flavor profile.

Himalayan Eva Coffee is a premium coffee brand based in Nepal that is committed to producing high-quality coffee beans using sustainable and fair practices. The company works directly with local farmers to ensure the quality and consistency of its coffee beans. Himalayan Eva Coffee uses wet processing to remove the outer layer of the coffee cherries before drying them in the sun.

Himalayan Eva Coffee also takes great care in ensuring the quality of its beans during the drying process. The company uses raised beds to dry its coffee beans, allowing for better air circulation and more even drying. The beans are also sorted and turned regularly to ensure even drying and prevent any mold or mildew growth.

In conclusion, coffee processing in Nepal is a labor-intensive process that requires careful attention to detail to produce high-quality coffee beans. Himalayan Eva Coffee is a premium coffee brand that is committed to producing exceptional coffee beans using sustainable and fair practices. By working closely with local farmers and using wet processing and careful drying techniques, Himalayan Eva Coffee has established itself as one of the top coffee brands in Nepal, offering a unique and complex flavor profile that is sure to delight coffee lovers around the world.

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